Hallo Henk,

On Fri, 30 Sep 2005 19:35:33 +0200GMT (30-9-2005, 19:35 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

HDB> The only thing I have to do now is type the name of that quick template,
HDB> for instance "nl". When I hit ctrl-spacebar the language is changed to
HDB> that language. When I want to change back to another language I only
HDB> have to type the name I have given to that quick template and press
HDB> ctrl-spacebar. Piece of cake!

You realize of course that you can assign editor shortcuts to QTs, do
you? That's what I meant in my reply to Jenny. When you're editing a
QT, you've got this options tab and there you can assign an editor
Fancy names are fun when you're calling them automatically from
another template, but when you're busy typing a mail a shortcut is
easier, especially when it's something you're doing a lot.

HDB> Very nice suggestion, thanks Roelof.

We serve to please. ;-)

Groetjes, Roelof

It is easy to propose impossible remedies.

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