Hello Lawrence Johnson & everyone else,

on 30-Sep-2005 at 19:53 you (Lawrence Johnson) wrote:

> I was playing around (always a bad omen) and decided to make an
> Address Group. It was my intent to make a single entry which would
> encompass a group of email addresses to which I commonly send
> messages. Maybe thats not what an Address Group is for.

Thats exactly what an AB group can be used for (amongst other uses, of

> Anyway, having created an empty Address Group, now I can't get the host
> of addresses that were in my AB before to appear. Its only this blank
> Group with 0 entries.

What exactly do you mean - are all your entries in the AB group now, and
you don't see any other items except the AB group? In that case, right
click the AB group and untick the "hide items..." checkbox.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

More things are possible in a 4-D world than in a 3-D world. To a
person in a 4-D world, the goings-on in a 3-D world looks as flat and
confined as the action on a movie screen looks to us. -- Michael

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