Hallo Jack,

On Thu, 27 Oct 2005 21:09:13 -0500GMT (28-10-2005, 4:09 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

JSL> Roelof, your suggestion looked considerably more elegant and I tried
JSL> to make it work but, alas, it wouldn't. I eliminated ALL the strings
JSL> and substituted for them just the @ sign. I then defined the AB
JSL> containing all the senders as a color group and specified this group
JSL> in the ADVANCED tab. I would have loved to have had this work because
JSL> of your observation that by simply maintaining the AB, I wouldn't ever
JSL> have to change the filter as senders came and went.

It should work when you've defined everything properly. I've been
using filtering on AB groups since v1 and never in v2 it stopped
But you're mentioning colour groups and I mentioned AB groups, those
are different things, colour groups are assigned to messages and AB
groups are assigned to addresses in your address book.
Note that AB templates (yes, that's something else) get messed up when
you're having multiple entries with the same address, the same could
be valid for filtering on AB groups.

Groetjes, Roelof

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