
On Sat 29 October 2005, 23:07:41 +1000, you wrote:
> I need to estract the "subject:" fields from message headers contained in .msg
> attachments, and use these subjects to compose automatic replies. 
> My problem is that in my auto-reply template I don't know how to tell TB to
> search the original attachment, or the whole raw message, for strings that
> match the regexp "(?-s)Subject:.*".
> I was only able to search the original message text (with %REGEXPTEXT or
> %REGEXPMATCH) where of course TB can't find the subject I need, since it is in
> the .msg attachment.

You can't do it with TB! alone, although you might be able to do what
you want by creating a filter that exports the message, and then running
a batch file on that exported message to process it.

The batch file could open it in an editor with macro capability (I use
UltraEdit) that can then extract the required subject and either write
it to a text file or to the clipboard. Then when the editor closes the
filter could create a message creating the subject from the text file or
by pasting the clipboard.


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