Hello All,

3.62.09 is now available from:

Here is a change log since 3.62.07 which was available from the site
before the .09 build:

[-] (#0005144) UUEncoded attachments were corrupted if they were
    encoded using space characters instead of "`"
[-] New messages were not added into threads in Reference+Subject
    threading mode
[*] Dealing with spaces in wrapped/encoded message headers should be
    better now
[-] (#0003186) PGP/MIME encrypted messages were not decrypted if their
    encrypted parts had file names assigned and stored in attachment
[-] (#0005255) List index of bounds error when changing message format
    in editor when the active account had empty template
[-] (#0005232) redundant error message when saving attachments
[-] (#0005265) Colons were missing in many header names
[-] (#0005011) Message status was not available to screen readers
[-] (#0004939) Ordinary user mode: It was possible to select
    non-logged accounts in editor
[-] (#0004938) Ordinary user mode: It was possible to select
    non-logged accounts for send/receive
[-] Alt clicking in message list was selecting whatever message
    appeared under mouse cursor when the mouse button was released
[+] POP URL is now stated in the notification about a large message
    arrived into POP mailbox
[-] (#0005274) it was not possible to reformat paragraphs in MicroEd
    after switching from HTML editor mode
[*] Double clicks on the message header control now open links and add
    addresses to the Address Book, as in versions prior to 3.5
[-] (#0005276) Cannot restore backup if files are exist (got AV)
[-] There were a bug in previous betas with S/MIME decryption.
[-] (#0005264) Button "Unselect all" in "Check for viruses" dialog is
    not displayed whole

Best regards,

..."To err is human, but to really foul things up requires a computer." - 

Current version is 3.62.08 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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