Hello Bob,

Sunday, November 6, 2005, 2:45:39 AM, you wrote:

BM> G'day Jack,

BM> Sunday, November 6, 2005, 5:49:37 AM, you wrote:

>> Hello Bob,

>> Saturday, November 5, 2005, 12:22:30 AM, you wrote:

>> Well, I set K9's limit to 10,000KB (which should be 10megs) and ticked
>> the box. I then sent myself the same 6meg message I've been playing
>> with from my wife's side of the computer using TB. It took almost 10
>> minutes to send but it went. I then fetched it using Outlook Express
>> (sorry) because I've been using that program to test all this and it's
>> configured to leave messages on the server. Outlook express (which is
>> not using K9 or any other spam filter) was able to fetch it with no
>> trouble.

BM> Jack I think you are missing the point here.  The aim here is to
BM> _STOP_ K9 checking very large messages as the foul-up apparently
BM> occurs when K9 is trying to scan a very large message and the download
BM> process times out before the message is fully downloaded.  What you
BM> need to do is to set a limit large enough so that all your "normal"
BM> sized mail (including Spam) is checked, but very large messages, like
BM> the one you are having problems with) go straight through without
BM> checking.  My K9 checks everything up to 200 KB but allows larger
BM> messages through without checking.  So far I haven't had any Spam over
BM> the 200 KB limit and the few very large messages that I get are
BM> received without problems.

Doh! I'll be the first to admit that I'm a little slow on the uptake
sometimes. After reading your reply it finally dawned on me that K9
would scan *ALL* messages, regardless of size, unless that box {Don't
filter messages larger than} was checked. I have now reset the size
option back to K9's default of 200K but have yet to perform any
further tests.  I'll run some tests and post if I continue to have

Thanks to all for helping me understand what was probably going on.


Best regards,
 Jack                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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