Hallo Robert,

On Sat, 19 Nov 2005 12:13:54 -0500GMT (19-11-2005, 18:13 +0100, where
I live), you wrote:

>> %UsePGP%-

RD> Question on the mime part. I am using gpg 1.4.2 or is it 1.42, anyway,
RD> i discovered if I put the macro %nopgpmime,  then my %signcomplete
RD> worked.  Otherwise every *seemed* to clearsign the text but the hash
RD> words and stuff at the bootom never got added. Not sure how I figured
RD> to add that macro, but anyway, what are the factors concerning the
RD> mime part of %pgpmime

Actually, this message is PGP signed too.
But what I'm using is PGP/MIME that means that the signature is added
as an attachment not as an add-on to the text.
I prefer PGP/MIME to inline signing, because it makes the body less
Depends a bit on your contact though. Not all mail clients support
PGP/MIME, so when your contact uses Outlook, or Outlook Express then
PGP/MIME is a big no.
I'm using PGP mostly around these lists and TB supports it just fine,
and with %PGPMIME and %NOPGPMIME you can force the behaviour in
In the editor you can set it on and off on an individual base via:
  Privacy -> PGP/MIME
And as general option you can set it from the main menu with:
  Tools -> Privacy -> OpenPGP options -> Email -> Use PGP/MIME

RD> Rölf ??

Not Rölf, Roelof, quite a different name, over here 'oe' is pronounced
as the 'u' in Rudolph

Groetjes, Roelof

Every person constructs their own bed of nails.

The Bat! 3.62.14
Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2
1 pop3 account, server on LAN
OTFE enabled
P4 3GHz

Attachment: pgpRFrcwLb6aq.pgp
Description: PGP signature

Current version is 3.62.14 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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