Hello Bob,

Wednesday, November 23, 2005, 1:39:43 PM, you wrote:
> I want to have her just use the outlook accout and I use the bat
> seperate and not from the outlook client.....

For this to happen, you need two e-mail addresses / boxes. Using two
programs, you can't use a single e-mail address for both. Well,
technically you could provided you set up Selective Download filters
in TheBat (TB), but that's going to be more trouble than it's worth.

There are a plethora of free e-mail services. Might I recommend Gmail
from Google. It's free, it's fast, and works great with TB. If you
need a Gmail account, just say so. Pretty much anyone on the list can
provide you with an invitation to get one.

> I am confused as to what I put down as my reply to address.....If I
> use my ISP address it will go to my outlook account I would
> suppose....that is not what I want...I want to use two email
> clients....Preferablly creating a seperate dialup icon that would
> connect me to the BAT....but mabey I am asking to much...

As for a separate dialup icon, you don't need that. You can have a
single icon to dial-up to the internet and from that point run Outlook
and TheBat side by side with no problems. The key here is to have two
e-mail accounts, not two dialup accounts.

                          TBUDL/BETA/DEV/TECH Lists Moderator / PGP 0x6C0AB16B
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