Hello Thomas,

Sunday, November 27, 2005, 8:43:17 AM, you wrote:
> I've downloaded it and will give it a spin.

You'll like it. In some ways it's very similar to TB. There's a whole
ton going on under the hood if you really want to get into it. You can
tweak and twiddle until it's just perfect. You can write JScript and
VBScript and it'll compile under PSPad. You can use these things to
extend the functionality of PSPad. You can even write it to appear on
the toolbar itself.

There's lots of built in tools too like Lorem Ipsum generator, color
picker, base converter, hash generators etc. The syntax highlighting
for programming is pretty great. Pretty much any language still in use
is supported. If it isn't you can write your own. You can even tie in
compilers to be able to compile your code directly from PSPad.

The only thing it doesn't do for me currently is code folding, but
that's promised in one of the next few releases.

And... Well, it's free! <grin>

                          TBUDL/BETA/DEV/TECH Lists Moderator / PGP 0x6C0AB16B
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(  )  ( ___)(_  _)( ___)  TBUDP Wiki Site:  http://www.PCWize.com/thebat/tbudp
 )(__  )__)  _)(_  )__)   Roguemoticons & Smileys:    http://PCWize.com/thebat
(____)(____)(____)(__)    PHP Tutorials and snippets:    http://www.DevTek.org

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