Hello TBUDL,

Due to a little hickup I had recently, I lost one month' worth of
emails in my main account and have to reply out of the archive. My
setup is this:

1.) By way of X-Ray, every mail gets an additional header
X-Apparently-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] if the mail was received
department1, or X-Apparently-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] if the mail
was received by department2. And so on. This is also works for mails
that were just BCC'ed and for cross-postings, the X-Ray team built
this for me. (Thanks again.)

There are seven such departmental email addreses.

2.) All messages are copied into the archive, which is an account in
TB. By way of the above header, I can tell to which
account/email-address the message was originally sent. The archive
holds over 100,000 messages currently, neatly sorted into folders.

3.) The active accounts in TB are called "Department". For example,
"Department1" is for the email address [EMAIL PROTECTED]

4.) This is what I want to do: When I reply out of the archive, I want
the regex to extract the part before the "@" in the email address in
the header line start starts with "X-apparently-To:", so that the
account is set to the active (departmental) account. I now do that
manually by choosing account in the editor, but I want to automate it.

I want to use the output from the regex in an %Account= macro.
Something like this:

%FindLine_StartsWith: "X-Apparently-To:"
%ExtractPattern: "The part before @"
%Account= "Extracted pattern"

I hope the above pseudo-regex explains what I mean.



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