Alexander S. Kunz:

> on 25-Dez-2005 at 18:33 you (Luca) wrote:
> > Since you insist
> No, I do not insist. I tried to help by providing a workaround for the
> problem you have.

If I say "I want to be able to hit return once" and you say "then hit it
twice", that's not what I'd call "a workaround". 

Obviously, it's not only a one-key difference. We're talking of a typing
syndrome. TB's MicroEd (any mode) requires a heavy modification of deeply
rooted and continuously practised typing habits. I could agree with you if
TB's way were common among all the other programs, or if I could use TB as my
sole and only editor, but it isn't.

I can't stop using other programs and editors, and I can't be hunted for the
rest of my life by the "alt-l/double return" syndrome at every line I write,
both here and there, in a way and its opposit.

> I think we have a little bit of a misunderstanding here. I don't *want*
> anything. 
> All I'm saying is that *if* the WinEd continues to behave like it does
> (currently), format-flowed should be implemented correctly.

So, you do want something, at least something to be done just in case.
And that something, the way you're proposing it, would prevent other's
people needings to be fulfilled, since TB is very unlinkely going to get
a fourth editor. 

> > "Usually", paragraphs are separated with one return and, possibly,
> > an indent.
> I assume we're still talking about email :-)

And I assume I'm talking with people who doesn't write only email and
only with TB. The keyword here is "typing habits", as I wrote above.

See, you're minimizing the most repelling obstacle that people find on their
way starting to use TB coming from other programs. It's not a matter of
getting used to a new program. It comes to a "TB or not TB, that's the

> Only a correct implementation of "format-flowed" (as in any word processor)

I don't want format flowed because in email - unlike in any word processor
format - you can't specify line lenght as a paragraph attribute. We'll ever
need hard returns at the end of each line to obtain wysiwyg in email.

Luca - e-mail: p.stevens at

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