Robin Anson wrote:

> That would be very useful since I currently have to run Outlook to
> connect to the MS Exchange server at work.

I tried using TB with Exchange and didn't have a very good time with
it.  Email handling was fine, but I didn't find any way to integrate
with the other Outlook features that are so useful in an office
environment, notably the calendar and the auto-address stuff (e.g. I
type in "tom" and hit tab and "Tom Plunket" appears in the To: field.)

I didn't figure this was functionality that was reasonable to ask for
in TB, and since 99% of my email needs at work are internal, I just
use Outlook.

Sorry this isn't very helpful, but it is my experience.  Simply put,
TB! doesn't do (afaik) some of the things that I find "key features"
in Outlook wrt intra-office email.



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