Hello MFPA,

Wednesday, December 28, 2005, 3:15:10 PM, you wrote:

> Hi

> On Wednesday 28 December 2005 at 12:58:13 PM, in
> <mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Graham Smith wrote:

>> Thanks, I am using the Home edition so maybe that makes a difference. When
>> replying to an email under 'Spell Checker|Language' I only have a
>> single list of languages and I had already selected British English.

> I use the pro edition and do not have a separator in that list
> either. I recall a mention some time ago of when the list was or
> was not divided and it was divided if you installed something I do
> not use - cannot recall what.

>> However, under Dictionaries, the language was still listed as American
>> English. I have now deleted the English American dictionary and
>> replaced it with "British English" but I am still getting words like
>> realise flagged as being incorrectly spelt.

>> So, I am still puzzled interestingly Labour is considered correct and
>> labor is flagged as incorrect. :-(

> IMHO a lot of the spellings given in TB!'s British English
> dictionary are suspect.

> I added the UK spellings from the English dictionary at
> http://www.tug.org/tex-archive/systems/win32/winedt/dict/ in an
> additional user dictionary which enables the -ise spellings but
> unfortunately it still accepts the -ize (not a problem as I would
> be very unlikely to write it).

> I wondered whether that single file could be used instead of
> SSCEBR.tlx and sscebr12.clx but never motivated myself to try.

> The TBUDL thread beginning with
> mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED] may be of interest also.

Thanks again, I will give this a look. Its not that big a problem,
just a little annoying.


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