Hello MFPA!

On Wednesday, January 18, 2006, 2:44 PM, you wrote:

>>> Anybody know why TB! calls the header "Follow-up" that RFC-822
>>> designates as "References"?

>> I think it was an arbitrary decision by the RitLabs team.

> Certainly odd if the RFC header name was previously used.

>> Either in the change from 1.x to 2.x or from 2.x to 3.x.

> AFAIK my firts TB!, 2.11.02, called it "Follow-up".

I've done a search, and found a message in June, 2004, where Terry G.
Munson says, 'I think "follow up" would be "references" in version
2.00.' mid:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

That sounds about right. I ran v. 1.62 until v. 2.06. Upgraded because
I wanted to see the newly developed Smileys feature.

Was completely confused by the change from "References" to
"Follow-Up," but finally got used to it. :)

>> I remember feeling totally bamboozled when I first encountered it.
>> Along about that time, I was just learning about mid: id references

> Another odd one that. Why does TB! need "mid:" in front of a
> message-id to recognise it is not an email address? In 40tude
> Dialog, you can click on a message-id shown in the "references"
> header of a message and you are taken to the relevant message.

Yes. And you have to be so careful when you copy it, or, at least
remember to take out the angle brackets when you place the message id
after the "mid:" :)

But, truly, I don't want any of this to get changed. They might break
something else that was vital in writing new code for these relatively
trivial idiosyncracies. :)

Best regards,
The Bat! 3.65.04 on Windows XP 5.1 2600 Service Pack 2

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