Hello Dwight,

Monday, February 20, 2006, 8:44:50 AM, you wrote:
> so take off the every 1/2 hour setting, collect all the mail, and
> put it back

No, what he's getting at, I think, is that some message is causing a
problem and TB never sends the end session so that the server can
delete the downloaded messages. Therefore, it just keeps downloading
the same ones over and over.

If this is the case, I would look at the log to see if it's failing on
the same message. If so, go into Message Dispatcher and delete it
directly from the server and then try to download your mail as normal

However, if you've set your options to check mail every 30 minutes and
it's actually taking longer than 30 minutes to pull down the messages,
I'm not sure what would happen when the mailcheck kicks in again while
it's still downloading from the first session. At this point, I would
do what Dwight mentioned.

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