Hi 'Batters!

Today I've been trying the re-threading feature first-time, and
getting into troubles right away... :-\
Some contact's replies were not threaded, so I dragged them to the
most recent post - which worked quite well, to my delight.
Unfortunately, at some point I dragged the tree of some 15 messages to
another thread, which I was unable to undo. (*Is* there a way to
unthread only certain messages?)

After some moving around, including exporting, deleting the
misthreaded msgs and re-importing them, I got all back... but only in
view "Thread by Reference"! My usual view is by Subject, and those
msgs that were misthreaded seem to be non-existent in threading by
On top of that, views of different accounts and folders are now
effected in the width of the first Subject column: the width is
*unequal*, but the change in one Subject width is copied into the same
column for another account - and these columns used to be of *unequal*
width... without TB asking to save the mods :-\

Anyone tips, comments, links to similar issues, or a solution? Please!
Very much appreciated...

BTW: I'm on XP Pro SP2, TB v3.65.03

Happy flappin'!
 Corne' (aka Cory, The Batdmin)

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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