Hello Roelof Otten & everyone else,

on 11-Mrz-2006 at 02:18 you (Roelof Otten) wrote:

P>> How do you folks handle all this garbage that assaults us every day?

> I've been using the BayesIt plugin for while, but these days I'm using
> server side spam filtering. That's the advantage of running your own
> mail server.

You don't necessarily need your own server for that, just a good
provider. :-)

My provider has SpamAssassin running and allows me to create server-side
filters for my POP3 boxes. I've created a filter that deletes everything
with a SA score higher than 7 right on the server, the rest that is
getting thru are two or three junk mails per day and I identify them
with K9.

Best regards,
 Alexander (http://www.neurowerx.de - ICQ 238153981)

Unexplainable events occur constantly. One man will see spirits.
Another will hear voices. A third will wake up and find himself
running in the Preakness. -- Woody Allen

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