Hello MAU,

Monday, April 3, 2006, 9:45:09 AM, you wrote:

> Hello Costas,

>> While  moving  the  mouse  pointer in the message list window, a popup
>> came  up asking me if I wanted to "rethread the message". I clikced on
>> the Cancel button and dismissed the popup.
>> I don't know what may have caused it to appear in the first place, but
>> my  question  is,  where do I find this option/command in the menus? I
>> looked for it, but I couldn't see it anywhere.

> These options are not in the menus. On the Message List pane, left click
> on a message and drag it to the message you want to thread it to. To
> unthread a message, shift+click and drag the message 'outside the
> thread'.

A Gee, I'm wondering how it is that I'm receiving your email
addressed to someone else. A little help please.

Best regards,
 Tim                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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