Reply to message sent 4/22/2006, @ 09:15:59 (2:15 AM Locally)

Hello Fredrik,

> If you store the attachments in a separate directory

I'm running Voyager and I don't believe that is an available option.
That's the main reason for my question, since I'm running Voyager from
a USB drive and I'll often need to e-mail clients large dwg files
while I'm at work I'd like to be able to automatically delete these
files but keep the message in my sent folder.

Now I just go in after the message is sent and manually delete the
attachments to keep from using up my USB space. I was just looking for
a way to automate this task if possible.

Thanks for the reply though!

ò.ó Nick

[MUA: TB! Voyager 3.72.03]
[OS: Windows XP 5 1]

Current version is 3.71.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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