Dear Rich,

@12-Jul-2006, 22:50 -0400 (13-Jul 03:50 here) rich gregory [RG] in

... <snip>
RG> Once upon a time some spammer(s) did choose to use TB! due to it's
RG> configuriblity.

Untrue. There was a spam remailer software package that offered a The
Bat! X-Mailer header as one of its camouflage options. Along with
Outlook Express and a few others. The spam was sent by this mean and
not by The Bat!, making ignorant ISP techs react in an insane manner.

This URL should be passed on to any ISP found to be arbitrarily
banning TB messages.

... <snip>
IAW>> Maybe RITLabs needs to allow the user to enter whatever text they want
IAW>> there!

RG> Wasn't there an .EXE hack for TB! some versions ago, before that
RG> option made it's way into TB!, that would allow you to do just
RG> that?

The option exists freely and I have use it. Check my headers.

I suppress the X-Mailer header by the configuration option and use
this macro:

%SetHeader("User-agent","TB/%THEBATVERSION (by RITlabs)")%-

To insert my own variant. I am proud to use TB, but have to
acknowledge that some very poorly educated ISPs out there are behaving

Cheers --  //.arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator and fellow end user
TB! v3.81.07 Beta on Windows XP 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2

Attachment: pgpIi24N3swnU.pgp
Description: PGP signature

Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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