Hello Batfolk,

Vili answered me off list, and I thought I'd seed the archives for
when someone else runs into this.  I've tried this for Voyager, and I
imagine it'd work for TB! as well.

1) Quit Voyager
2) Rename MAIL/RootCA.EBD to MAIL/RootCA.EB
3) Restart Voyager

Voyager took quite a bit longer to start up, but then RootCA.EBD was
recreated with all the certificates.  I can now check and send mail
through gmail without hitting OK every time.

Thanks for the help Vili.

Andrew Diederich
Using Voyager v3.80.04 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.80.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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