[Cross posted with online forum]

Wondering if anyone can help -- I can't open a ticket without my
registration key and I can't get to my registration key because my email
doesn't work.

I purchased TheBat Professional a month ago and have been very happy with
it up until last Tuesday morning, when it refused to open.

Just after the initial splash banner, I get an exception error from

I've upgraded to the latest version with no luck. I've also tried running
it with my virus protection (AVG) and I continue to get the error.

The fact that this suddenly happened on a Tuesday makes me think it was a
Microsoft update that threw it off, but of course I could be wrong.

I am running Windows XP Home on a Toshiba Satellite Pro.

I realise I probably ought to have *written down* my reg key in the event
that I couldn't get into my email... I will be more careful next time :)

Can anyone shed any further light on this or have a way of contacting the
support team without access to my reg key?



Current version is 3.85.03 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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