Howdy Mary,

Thursday, October 19, 2006, 2:34:50 PM, Mary wrotened:

>> If I want to use someone's handle instead of their name in a
>> template how do i do this?

> 1) Address Book/Edit/Properties

> 2) In the template instead of the % macro, manually type in the
> greeting. I have, for example, a relative whose e-mail address uses
> his first name, but he goes by his middle name. So on my new, forward,
> and reply templates that I customized for him, I typed in "Hello
> Herb,"; so even though the e-mail address reads "Ross@" the greeting
> comes out "Hello Herb".

Yes this would work. But its what I am trying to avoid doing... As I
have an address group who are all referred to by their handles... I
can see there is a way of using this in the help file... Just I can't
get it to work. I basically want to avoid doing 10 separate templates
and have just one for the group as a whole.

Thank you anyway Mary. It is my fault for not being clear about what I
wanted to achieve. I think its an English trait.

Have Fun,

Ben Allen

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