Hello Dave,

On Mon, 27 Nov 2006 07:46:05 -0500 GMT (27/11/2006, 19:46 +0700 GMT),
Dave Goodman wrote:

DG> My objective is to do a new installation of TB!, from scratch, on a new,
DG> freshly formatted system, and yet transfer whatever is necessary for the
DG> new TB! to come up with all folders, settings, and mail database intact and
DG> ready to go. Can anyone suggest a step-by-step procedure? Or give me a
DG> pointer to such?

Two ways:

A) Using the internal backup/restore function

While still in the old system, go to Tools / Backup... and click on
everything. This will create a .tbk file.

In the new system, install TB!. You will be asked during installation
whether you want to use a backup, say Yes, navigate to the .tbk file,
and everything should be restored.

In the past, users (including myself) reported that not everything
would be restored (some settings and the addressbook were missing), I
don't know about the current version.

B) Doing it manually

While still in the old system, close TB!. Export the registry key
HKCU_Software_RIT. This will create a .reg file.

Zip the whole TB! directory, with all subdirectories containing mails,
filters, and whatnot. Obviously, this will create a .zip file.

In the new system, install TB!, answering No when asked whether you
want to use a backup (I don't know whether this step is necessary).
Close TB!.

Click on the .reg file to import it into the registry.

Unzip the .zip file into the TB! directory. Everything should be there
when you now open TB!.

Caveat: The second version will only work if you have the same exact
setup, i.e. the same drive letter and path names.

If in doubt, use the internal backup/restore. Minor annoyances of the
backup/restore function may be column sizes, the window split setting,
or that you have to restore the addressbook at a second go. But the
accounts, folders, templates, and mails should be there in any case.



I've heard people are more violently opposed to fur than leather
because it's safer to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs.

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