Hello Mark!

On Friday, January 05, 2007, 8:34 PM, you wrote:

>> I need to check what date I let Microsoft update Internet Explorer
>> to v. 7.0. That may be the difference on my system--although how an
>> un-launched IE could affect The Bat! is beyond me.

> Sorry I missed this earlier. There have been reports of IE7
> installing a new version of wininet.dll and this causing some havoc
> with other applications. I don't know if that's what's at work here,
> but you might want to check the date and version on that file.

Thanks for the suggestion. I put this file name into Windows Search,
and the latest showing is 11/7/2006, 9:03 PM. File version is
7.0.5730.11, and it says the date created is 8/9/2004 at 3:00 p.m.

So I guess it hasn't been modified on this system (the path to it was

But maybe another file was changed that is affecting The Bat!

Another clue is that Opera 9 began giving me an error message that it
had to close when I would be trying to link within a few websites, and
this began happening on Jan. 4, 2007. I can't get from my Inbox to my
Spam mail at gmail.com in Opera as a result of this erratic behavior.
No problem using Mozilla FireFox.

Have just now tried Opera again. It wouldn't even finish loading the
gmail website before putting up the Error box. But I was on Google for
half an hour earlier this morning, bringing up multiple sites and
navigating within them, no Opera problem doing that. (Was reading
about cedar waxwings.)

I've been sending a report, every time Opera puts up the error message
box, so maybe it will all eventually get fixed.

I did set a Restore point in Windows/System Restore before installing
IE7. I guess I could try going back, in case that would clear up both
the Opera and the TB! problem.

I'll do that a little later and report back here. (Actually, my TB!
AVs stopped happening yesterday. I haven't tried the drag&drop from
the message list pane this morning. But I want to send this post
before doing that, in case the forced close of TB! would lose my

Thanks a mil for the info, Mark.

Best regards,
The Bat! 3.95.6 on Windows XP Media Center Edition Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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