
Thursday, January 11, 2007, 12:20:14 PM, you wrote:
MS> Hello Michael,

>> - How do I set up a button that has a drop-down arrow, similar to the
>>   'Receive new mail' button.

MS> That is a functionality well hidden in TB's deep muddy waters...

MS> 1. In the "Customize" dialog choose "Create new container" (it's the 4th
MS>    button from the top between "actions" and "layout" list). A new
MS>    toolbar container (with a triangle on the right) is created. Select
MS>    it.

MS> 2. Select the action you want to have in that container in the
MS>    "Action" List and press "Shift" and the "Insert Item" button (its
MS>    the first button from the top). The item should be added to your
MS>    container.

Interesting. I must have missed this. This feature still doesn't give me
what I want, although it's close. I want to be able to recreate some of the
buttons that are on the Standard toolbar. With them you can click on the
button to chose a default action or click on the drop-down arrow to choose
an alternate action.

I did find a way to do this but it's using the tbuser.def file in the Docs
and settings folder. I commented on it in my other e-mail on this subject,
'Re:Recovering Toolbars from Old Computer'.

Michael Rudnick                         

Using The Bat! 3.95.6 on Windows 5.1 (2600) Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.95.06 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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