Hello Code,

> Having said that, a situation could arise where I receive an infected
> e-mail which NOD32's IMON module does not yet recognize (as happened
> to me last week with the Fuclip.A worm).  That infected e-mail would
> sit undiscovered in my inbox despite several NOD32 on-demand scans.
> Since NOD32's IMON module does not scan outgoing mail, I could
> unwittingly forward it to, and infect, an unsuspecting recipient.

Is Spain we say "Yes, and if my mother had wheels she would be a
bicycle". Meaning that is a very unlikely situation to happen. Why?

Consider two possible cases:

1.- Unwittingly or not, you forward the file _before_ NOD32 signatures
have been updated.

Then there is nothing you can do. Even if NOD32 scanned outgoing email
or the tbb files, it would not detect the virus. Then, whoever receives
your forwarded message would only be infected if (s)he is not using an
antivirus or, if using one, it doesn't detect yet this new virus either
and (s)he does open the attachment before his/her antivirus is updated.

2.- You forward the message _after_ NOD32 signatures have been updated.

Then there is nothing to worry about. Why? Even though NOD32's 'IMON
does not scan outgoing email' and 'on-demand scanner does not scan tbb
files', the infected email/file you are trying to send will be detected
by AMON in the bat*.tmp file created and used by TB to compose/send the
message. Try it out. Send a message an then take a look at AMON and see
the name of the last file scanned.

> NOD32 is the best I've come across so far.

I fully agree with you on that. A couple of years ago I tried all
available at that time.

Finally, a note for those using NOD32 Plugin for TB. There seem to be
two different versions running around. One at http://tinyurl.com/yuy529
and a different one at http://tinyurl.com/yoo2q3

Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v3.95.8

Current version is 3.95.08 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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