> I will probably continue to run TB! using the
> dual capability of the new Apples. Still, life
> would be so much easier if there were a Mac
> version of TB!.

I do use a MacBook and run Parallels/Windows XP on
the intel ready laptop.  While not my preference,
I don't intend to give up TheBat! and sincerely
hope TheBat! eventually will be made available for
use on a Mac.  Life is easier running the PC for
mail and the MacBook as intended.

Using an export to Unix you can import the unix
mail into AppleMail if you decide to go that
route.  I have decided to use AppleMail only as a
backup mail program and removed the mail I had
transferred there.  AppleMail now handles all my
pop mail from yahoo and GMail and I am temporarily
using dot/mac/com but probably will drop that when
it is time to renew.

Good luck with your Mac, most enjoy them a lot, I
never was all that angry with Gates, but I think I
am tired of the digital rights paranoia that seems
to invade all current internet purchases.  Apple
has not escaped being neurotic about digital
rights and I will soon find out just how it works
there, I just bought the iPod and plan to move
audible books from Windows to Apple, bet I will
run into a few hitches along the way as both OS's
try to cling to their "rights", it will also be
interesting to see how videos/TV shows work on



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