hi roelof,

message from roelof otten created on 2/10/2007 follows ...

> First thing you do is create a new folder and copy all messages for
> your faulty folder to the new one.
> Check whether all messages have really been copied, if so delete all
> messages in the faulty folder and compress it. That ought to to take
> care of things. (You could delete the messages.tbb and .tbi from the
> defunct folder.)
> In case not all messages are copied, close TB and move the
> messages.tbb from that folder to a safe place, you can delete the
> messages.tbi Now start TB again. Try to import the messages from your
> moved messages.tbb file.

i tried the above steps multiple times but TB backup pops up the same error 
message as it processes that inbox each and every time.  lacking any ideas of 
my own, my next step is to let the backup continue and do a test restore to 
determine what, if anything, is wrong with the restored messages.

apart from keeping a safe copy of the messages.tbb file to import from if 
necessary, i don't know what else to try.

thanks/regards, .. mark davidson


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