
I am using the QT below in my "reply to group" templates.

[Begin QT]

%setpattregexp=#(.*?)[EMAIL PROTECTED]
%UPPER="%SubPatt=#1#" <%OREPLYADDR>

[End QT]

I forget who I copied this from but up to now it has worked like a
charm. However, a recent member on one group styles himself as
"Firstname Lastname, LETTERS <address>"
which means my reply is addressed to
"Firstname Lastname, LETTERS on group name <group address>".

The comma causes a problem: I get a dialogue box saying
"Message has not been sent. Server reply - Invalid email address."

Anybody else encountered this or got any thoughts on a (simple)
workaround - other than manually delete the comma?

Best regards,

A bird in the hand makes it awfully hard to blow your nose

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