Hello MFPA,

Monday, April 16, 2007, 2:35:34 AM, among other things, you wrote:

M> I use British spelling but could not cope with TB's "British"
M> dictionary as correct words kept being Americanised.

I  haven't  found  this to be a frequent problem, in fact I am not sure that
Americanised  is  the  correct  term  to  use.   In  general  it  is good at
distinguishing  between  British  and  American spelling.  If you are meaning
meaning  that  it  chooses  -ize  instead  of -ise endings, these days these
endings  are  often  considered  as  optional  even in British dictionaries.
Certainly  it  sometimes doesn't know some of the words that I use, but this
is a problem common to all abridged versions of a dictionary, and because of
the  immense size of the English vocabulary most English dictionaries are of
necessity abridged to some degree.

*I*  am  quite  happy  to  'Add'  my  spelling  version to the supplementary
dictionary  when  I have a conflict with the TB dictionary. Any deficiencies
will  of  course  be  more  of  a problem to non native English speakers who
perhaps  more  likely  to use an English dictionary to correct true spelling
errors rather than mere typing errors.

Best regards,
The Bat! v3.98.12 :beta: with AntispamSniper ,
on Windows XP, version 5 1, build 2600 and Service Pack 2                       

Current version is 3.98.04 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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