Hello Batfolk,

I'm trying to build a set of filters to better track emails I'm
waiting to get an answer back.  I currently have a folder "@WAITING
FOR" that I copy things from my sent folder, or drag emails I've
forwarded to someone else to work on (delegated).

My idea is I'd put some text in the outgoing email, like "WF:true"
either near the signature, or in a header.  This would trip an
outgoing filter and copy the item into my @WAITING FOR folder.

The next bit is harder -- to match incoming emails to existing emails
in my @WAITING FOR folder, say, on the subject line.  Is there a way I
can match the subject line to a list of emails in a specific folder?

Or, maybe I do something different altogether, and put a ":WF" at the
end of my email subjects, and match on that, thinking people don't
usually change the subject lines of emails?

(If an incoming email matches the filter I'd change the color, or
something along those lines.)

Thanks for the help.

Andrew Diederich
Using Voyager v3.95.06 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

Current version is 3.99 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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