Friday, June 1, 2007, 7:08:26 PM, you wrote:

> Friday, June 1, 2007, Tom wrote:
>> Also, I now copied the exact same entry in both macros for compose and
>> reply %ABTOFromFName and the output is different. In compose I have as
>> output Dear (blank), .... Kind Regards...
> Yes, since there is nothing for the macro to take it's value from in a
> new mail.
> You probably want to use %ABToFirstName instead.
>> whereas my reply has output Dear _Joe ...
 > Looks like the "first name" field in AB is _Joe. Change it to Joe

 Ok, you were right :) re the new mail issue, I now get the output
 from addressbook but only if I choose the correct suggestion. This is
 also the problem when replying.
 However, the other issue remains open as the address is set up
 As mentioned before, my address book only shows one listing for this
 contact like "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" but when composing a new email and I
 start typing Joe I have three choices:

 In each case the actual email address is identical. So I suppose TB
 is checking against received emails and the contact may use different
 accounts where he set up accounts slightly differently (for reasons I
 don't understand). So, if I use option 3, then my macro will work and
 I guess that's a solution. Ideally though I would like to suppress
 options 1 and 2 as redundant and preventing my macro to work.

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