RG>> Every time I create a rule under OUTGOING MAIL
RG>> then close and re-open the sorting office
RG>> ALL the OUTGOING rules change to say SOURCE FOLDER = INBOX!

RO> I can't try to reproduce that, I haven't got an installed
RO> copy of v2. I can't remember that v2.12 was misbehaving that way.
RO> It's possible that youe sorting office is somewhat corrupted.
RO> Make a copy (for safe keeping) of your account.srx file. (Or even
RO> better, create a copy of all of your account.* files)
RO> Tell TB to create a backup of your account properties (sorting office
RO> only would be better, but that can't be done with v3, so I guess it
RO> can't be done with v2 either)
RO> Close TB
RO> Open TB
RO> Restore the backup
RO> Close TB
RO> Open TB
RO> Try your outgoing filter sequence again

RG>> Same thing happening!!! :(
RG>> My installation is entirely on a mapped
RG>> network drive... I wonder if that matters.

====== 3 months later ======

Nope, "My Documents" being on a mapped network drive doesn't matter. I
have a new PC with all newly installed apps (including TB!) all
conventionally installed on a single PC (no network required for any
application) and trying to create that filter does the same thing again!

Create an OUTGOING rule and the rule says source folder = outbox.
Close sorting office and reopen sorting office, now source folders say
source folder = inbox!

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