Hi Roger,

Tuesday, October 16, 2007, 12:17:12 AM, you wrote:

NL>> I've been trying to figure out how to get a signal string text file to
NL>> work in v3.x filter. I want to kill messages on the server and have an
NL>> external word list. Do I put a macro in filter condition or what?

>  If  you  go  into  the  Sorting Office (Shft+Ctrl+S) and Right Click on the
>  Selective  Download title and then choose New Filter, you will find that at
>  the  bottom of the right hand panel is an item 'Load strings from the file'
>  and a place to enter or choose the file.

No problem - I'm there - but the filter does not seem to pick up the
file. I have one word per line (CR/LF) and it just will not look at
the file./ I've tried referencing the file with the %PUT"" macro in a
condition field but to no avail.

>  It  is some years since I tried to use this feature and at that time it was
>  not  always  functional!

Oh yes, I remember. v2 was different in that you could clipboard copy
the text and paste it in the filter text field. My spam is so out of
control I have to take more aggressive measures.

Thanks, Neal
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