Hello Alto,

> About a year ago I called RIT incompetents.

Not everybody agrees with you, are you aware of that?

> Normaly, after an assault like that I would expect anyone to work very
> hard on proving me wrong.

An assault like that from Mr. Alto Speckhardt. I'm with you, I wonder 
why they didn't react to that. Ritlabs is certainly going haywire.

And, excuse my ingenuity, but if you are so unsatisfied with TB and 
seems you have been so for years, why the heck you stick to TB and 
don't switch to another client? Yeah, I think I know the answer. 
Because you paid for it and you want it working. 
Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v4.0.12

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