Guten Morgen,

SA> As a long time user of The Bat, I have never found it necessary to
SA> upgrade.  However, I no longer have tolerance for ver. 1.62r's lack of
SA> formatting functionality, and would also like to have more tagging
SA> options, so, its time to upgrade.

Please refresh my memory, what has changed since v1.6x and the current
version in regard to formatting? I can hardly recall a thing that
wasn't already there in the old versions.

Are you using IMAP? If so, you should be aware that IMAP doesn't work
in v4. On the other hand, if you're only using POP you might get
something out of the upgrade.

SA> What should I do to insure as smooth a transition to the current
SA> version? 

Why don't you make a backup of your current installation and then just
try running the new install and see what happens? There wouldn't be
much to loose then, and you could always go back if necessary.

SA> Do I need to disable my firewall and anti-virus when installing the
SA> upgrade?

No, I don't think so. There will be a few alerts when the installer is
checking signatures but the firewall should be able to handle that.

SA> Finally, one of the great assets of The Bat is that it has a small
SA> footprint and works very fast [...]

In current versions occasionally the shutdown of TheBat can take
minutes. Other then that there's not much of a speed issue in any

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