Hi, everyone,

First, I would like to thank everyone who responded to my queries about 
synchronization of two separate installations of The Bat. The help and 
information provided by the moderators and other list members on this, and 
other questions, is invaluable.

After posting my original query about how to synchronize The Bat on two 
separate computers, I went back through my personal archive of Bat mail and 
read every post on synchronization since January 2002.  (As an aside: as a 
testament to The Bat's speed and functionality, I was able to quickly sort and 
pull up every message that had the letter grouping "sync" anywhere in the 
message.  Since the search was on my hard drive, this search took not more than 
a minute or two, at most. From past experience, I know that it would have taken 
me 15-20 minutes to perform the same search at my office, where all mail is in 
Outlook on a heavily used server located across the country.) It seems to me 
that in most situations involving synchronization that were discussed on the 
list, there is a single user. Thus, synchronizing two computers to the most 
recent file is not an issue.  However, where, as in my case, there are TWO 
users on two separate computers, true synchronization is more difficult since 
the more recent file may not necessarily include actions performed on the other 
computer. A clear example is where user A downloads e-mail on to computer A and 
then deletes some of it.  User B subsequently downloads e-mail on to computer B 
and deletes none, but is likely to delete what A deleted, only at a later time. 
 If synchronization occurs prior to when B deletes the same mail that A 
deleted, I think most synchronization programs would restore to A the mail that 
had already been deleted on A if synchronization goes from B to A.  On the 
other hand, if it goes from computer A to B, then the same problem can also 
occur, depending upon who downloaded and deleted first.  Unless a 
synchronization program is able to identify which e-mails have already been 
read and deleted, there is great potential for the mail box on A, in my 
example, to become clogged with mail copied from computer B that user A had 
already deleted on computer A.  In order for both computers to be up to date, I 
would want to synchronize, automatically, overnight.  (Which can be done with 
3rd party software, I don't know if it can also be done with The Bat's own 
synchronization program.) 

The best solution would be IMAP.  But, my mail file is already at 2.6 GB.  
Although gmail would accommodate this, not all of my mail is through my g-mail 
account. Personal and business mail is through a private domain on another 
server, and for security purposes, I am uncomfortable with leaving personal and 
business correspondence on an outside server. (The provider has a 1 GB limit 
for their most expensive option--too small for my purposes, anyway.) That leads 
me back to POP3.  Since I don't know how a synchronization program could keep 
track of which mail has already been deleted on a computer and keep from 
copying back to that computer such mail from the other computer, it seems to me 
that the next best solution would be to do what a few here have suggested, 
which is to download e-mail separately on to both computers, but BCC any mail 
sent in order to make sure that each computer has on it all sent mail from both 
computers.  This means that read/unread identifiers for a given message will 
not be identical on both machines, and, it also means that some mail deleted on 
one, may not be deleted on the other.  This is not perfect, but it isn't 

If I BCC to myself every sent e-mail from each of my accounts, that leads to 
two questions:

1. Is it possible to program The Bat to automatically BCC to myself every 
e-mail sent?

2. Since BCC'ing to myself every e-mail sent will create duplicates of that 
e-mail on the originating computer, what rule or filter can I create that will 
automatically delete the BCC'd item from the originating computer.  There 
appears to be no BCC field in the filter's parameters.

Moderators:  Are these questions more appropriate for TBTECH?  If so, I'll join 
and post there.

Avram Sacks

Using The Bat ver. 4.0.18 on XP Professional SP2
Current version is 4.0.18 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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