Hallo Bill,

On Tue, 1 Jul 2008 15:11:31 -0500GMT (1-7-2008, 22:11 +0200, where I
live), you wrote:

BM> Note that all the high level filters (except Incoming mail) are
BM> repeated in Incoming mail along with "Moving In Hooks" and there are
BM> not in there normal sorted order.

You wouldn't happen to have a real backup would you? I don't mean one
created by TB (as those don't allow only restoring the sorting offic),
but a backup created with the explorer or something like winrar that
allows for retrieving individual files.
If so, copy and paste your new filters to a text editor (one at a
time) if your mutilated sorting office still allows that.
Close TB.
Restore the file account.srb (account.erb when you're using otfe) from your 
backup to your mail directory
Run TB
Copy and paste your new filters from your text editor to your sorting
Close TB
Start TB

In case you haven't got any backup,
Try to copy and paste all filters to your text editor and follow the
same procedure as above, but in stead of restoring the
account.srb/account.erb file from mail directory simply delete them

Note that every account has an account.srb file too. Those store the
account filters and you should leave them alone, the file in the mail
directory stores the common filters.

In case you haven't got a file based backup, but you do have an
internal TB backup you could try this to restore your old filters.
Cut your internet connection
Close TB
Delete the account.srb file from your mail directory (account.erb when using 
Make a copy of your mail directory with the explorer
Start TB
Restore your TB backup
Close TB
Copy the backup of your mail directory on top of your restored mail directory
Start TB
Reconnect your internet connection

The cutting of your internet connection is to prevent the loss of
messages received while your busy with this procedure

Groetjes, Roelof

Water floats a ship...Water sinks a ship.  Old Chinese Proverb
The Bat!
Windows Vista 6.0 Build 6001 Service Pack 1
3 pop3 accounts
OTFE enabled
Quad Core 2.4GHz

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