Good morning [EMAIL PROTECTED],  
It was foretold that on 02/10/2008 @ 14:40:49 GMT+0530 (which was
06:10:49 where I live) [EMAIL PROTECTED] would write:

> Thank you all for your suggestions. Appreciated. Can someone assist me
> on the above referred QT by Luc? IE:- %Account="A" or (B,C,D) ???

In your templates, you include the following:

%ACCOUNT="A" for the account A
%ACCOUNT="B" for the account B
%ACCOUNT="C" for the account C
%ACCOUNT="D" for the account D

This should invoke the associated account, defined in the %ACCOUNT="".
Best regards,

Using the best e-mail client: The Bat! version 4.0.18 with Windows XP
(build 2600), version 5.1 Service Pack 2 and using the best browser:

"I have great faith in fools - my friends call it self-confidence." -
Edgar Allan Poe.

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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