
 I'm not sure if my previous post didn't make it
 to the list (can't tell with gmail), or if there
 is no answer, but I'm trying again.

 A few days ago, I installed a new wordprocessing
 program with spell check, and ever since, TB's
 spell check has become really erratic.
 A lot of common words are being marked  as
 mis-spelled and the suggestions for correction
 are ridiculous.
 Words like shy, post, spell, marked,  correction,
 and many more in this message are underlined, for
 I've since uninstalled the new wordprocessor,
 cleaned the registry, but am getting really
 frustrated with the useless spell checking now
 happening in TB. How do I get the previous
 dictionary back?
 Uninstall and reinstall TB?


Best regards,
 Susanne                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Using The Bat! 4.0.24
OS: Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 Service Pack 2

Current version is | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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