Hallo Fledermäuse,

I just lost my main account, TB just decided to drop it, for whatever reason. 
Because I remembered from long time ago, I made a new account and gave it the 
same name as the one gone MIA. *Poof* got all my mails back, BUT only the 
mails, no settings, no Templates for new messages, replies and so on, nothing 
of that sort. Since the files are all on-the-fly encrypted I can't even tell 
which ones to restore?

I am doing the shadow copy thing from Vista, and for most files it indeed 
offers me previous versions, but I don't know which ones I have to restore to 
get my templates and all back? 

Can someone tell me?

:eu-flag3: :de-bw: :safaribears:

If you call THAT a kiss...

 The Bat! v4.0.38, Firefox 3 on Windows Vista Business x64 - SP1

Current version is 4.1.7 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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