Hello Tbudl,

I have to use a certain web-mail/lots-of-features platform where I
have my own mail address at school. There I have set a forward to my
proper mail address which I handle in TB!.

If I answer a mail which came from someone else who uses the platform,
their replies will go to my proper mail address. But then I cannot
read the reply from within the platform, which I sometimes have to.

Some of the people I write to are in my addressbook. They have their
proper addresses first and the platform address second.

Is there a way to create an outbound filter that adds a reply-to
address to the mails that go to some...@damn-platform.com ? I tried to
do that but did not find the right option. Or am I maybe looking at
this from the wrong angle? Do I need a special template that holds the
reply-to address? But how do I apply that to all the people in my
addressbook only if it's their platform email address (and possibly a
reply, not a first message) or even just a message/reply to a platform
address that is not in my addressbook at all?

If there's a way to do that, is there maybe even a way to mask the
sender to be the address of the platform? Or are there any objections
doing that? Faking the sender does sound a bit wrong, but it would be
helpful and do no harm in this case.

Thanks for your help.


Using The Bat! v4.1.9 on Windows XP 5.1 Build  2600
Service Pack 2

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