
On Monday 16 February 2009 at 11:24:48 PM, in
<mid:6210696247.20090216172...@charter.net>, Jack S. LaRosa wrote:

> Fellow listers,

> Apparently I'm missing something about the archives
> (http://mail.eberl.com/cgi-bin/mailman/private/hplx/ or
> I'm going to the wrong place. There doesn't seem to be
> any search function.

> I'm looking for help in getting my computer to
> communicate with my 200LX. I can get the Cpack files
> loaded onto my computer's G: drive and run app200.exe
> from DosBox where the opening screen will appear (looks
> like the 200LX screen). I have my LX connected to the
> serial port on my computer (WinXP Pro) but the computer
> won't see the LX or vice-versa.

Is TBUDL the list you intended to post this to?

Best regards,

He's an environmentalist - his arguments are 100% recycled

Using The Bat! v4.0.38 on Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600  

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