Still hoping someone has any answers on the below.  Things have only gotten
worse.  Now when I move things in TBUDL to the IMAP folder for Gmail, it
looks like it is in the IMAP folder but it isn't actually loaded onto the
gmail server so isn't there when I go into gmail.  For instance a folder
that I moved 4000 messages into had only 600 actually go to the gmail
server.  Yes, I was selecting to connect to the gmail server.

Prior message:

I am currently using TB 4.0.24.  I also have a gmail account which I have
set to IMAP.  I have a large archive of messages in TB that I would like to
get on the gmail server.  I hope that there is a more efficient way to do it
than I am doing.  Let me start off by saying that I know virtually nothing
about IMAP.

The procedure I followed was to set up my GMAIL account in TB as an IMAP
account.  It has folders in it, of course, that correspond to my GMAIL
labels.  I have many thousands of emails in TB that I want to put into my
GMAIL account.  This is what I am doing.  Let's say I have a TB folder
called X which has 5000 emails in it.  (Some folders have less, some have up
to 50,000 emails).  I have created a GMAIL label called X which in TB showns
as folder under my Gmail account called X.  I start up TB.  I do not have
the GMAIL account set up to syncronize. (I don't really care if what is in
my gmail account is in TB...I mostly just want to get my TB archive into

I go to my X folder in TB and select a group of emails (or all of them) and
drag them to the X folder under the Gmail.  Sometimes, this works fine and
in short order the messages are in the Gmail account.  Other times nothing
happens.  Sometimes I can get it going by clicking on the Gmail account in
TB and saying Connect to Server.  Other times I do that and nothing
happens.  Regardless, it seems to move 50 to 200 messages and then quits.
Sometimes if I close TB and restart it then it will start moving messages
again.  For example I have spent this entire day trying to move 11000
messages from one folder in TB to the Gmail folder.  I have succeeded in
moving 4500.  Given that I have about several hundred thousand messages this
is way too slow.

Anyway to speed this up?
Current version is 4.1.11 | 'Using TBUDL' information:

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