[Reply to: »Luc« · 2009-03-18 · 23:18 h (CET)]

Moin, Luc!

>> You should whitelist the TBOT Mailing List in your Anti Junk
>> Plug-in, because the plug-in filters incoming messages *before*
>> incoming mail filters are triggered.

> Ah, haven't thought of that ... gonna give it a try :-)

>> Which Anti Junk Plug-in are you using?

> Antispamsniper for TB! plug-in

Okay, I use that one, too. :-)

Try: Options… => Filtering => White list of email addresses


- --
Direct eMail without [The Bat!] in subject line will end in Nirvana!
Using The Bat! [Pro] on Windows XP [Pro] Service Pack 3.

»Infinity itself looks flat and uninteresting. Looking up into the
night sky is looking into infinity – distance is incomprehensible and
therefore meaningless.«

Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001), »The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy«

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