Hello Jens,

Wednesday, April 8, 2009, 1:01:35 PM, you wrote:

> Mittwoch, 8. April 2009 at 18:27, Thomas Fernandez wrote:

>>>> an error box titled "The Bat", showing the URL and the text "The
>>>> system cannot find the file specified". I know there is a solution,

JF>>> Turn of the use of DDE in the File Association Dialoges for all HTM
JF>>> HTML ... Links

>> Where?

> Windows Explorer MENUE/Extra/FolderOptions/Filetypes

> There is a Freeware to handle this too, but i do not know where i
> found it after some longer search...
> Keywords: Filetype, Default Application, Association + Freeware

  Not  sure  what this has to do with TB Hang... DDE file associations
  have  to  do with CardScan files.  I turned off "Automatically Check
  for Updates in FF but TB is still hanging about 50% of the time when
  trying to launch web page within TB.

Best regards,
 Tim Hamm                            mailto:timh...@cox.net

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