Hello Tbudl,

  I  have  had the last week or so problems with my system thanks to a
  virus  having  sneaked  past  me  and attaching itself and about 700
  addons  to something called by autorun.bat. All names of games which
  had  all  the  same  size and in which serials I would not have been
  interested anyway... I found it in limeware under saved downloads!

  What  I  did  do  was  hang a big temporary drive with original data
packed  and  protected  on  the  drive and then reinstalled windows xp
clean  with a short cut to the Bat. It then wanted me to reinstall the
Bat  (!)  which I didnt really understand as I had hoped to be able to
pick  the  old  data up. The bat was installed on C: both under tracer
and  user  and finally under C:user from where I created a shortcut to
Please does someone has any idea where my data went to as I thought to
be  sure  that I didnt delete it... I sofar checked on many things but
no signs of my bat except that it runs...
I have 3 hard drives in the system, 2 isnt really used!\

Other problem is that I made a subdir but after shutdown and restart I
see no sign of it anywhere.
Most  of  it is on my second drive as an old backup or on google but I
would  like  to  recreate it asap as the mails are less important then
the addresses.....
Best regards,
 tracer                          mailto:0tra...@gmail.com

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