[Reply to: »Jens Franik« · 2009-08-17 · 22:43 h (CET)]

Moin, Jens!

> has anybody a quick hint (i need it now) how i could answer a Mail,
> CTRL-F5 or F4 (with marked Text) and have _NO_ Quote Signs in front of
> the Text?

>> I do not want it to look like this

Replace %Quotes with %Text in the Reply template of the regarding

HTH & Cheers!

- --
Volker Ahrendt | q...@ahrendt.net
Direct eMail without [The Bat!] in subject line will end in Nirvana!
Using The Bat! [Pro] on Windows XP [Pro] Service Pack 3.

»Infinity itself looks flat and uninteresting. Looking up into the
night sky is looking into infinity – distance is incomprehensible and
therefore meaningless.«

Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001), »The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy«

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