
Does anybody knows SIEVE SCRIPT?
Trying to generate an AUTO-REPLY to certain email ID's, but directly
from the Server itself which users sieve scripting.

the code generated for now is as follows:-

if allof(header :contains ["From"] ["@AAA", "@BBB", "@CCC"], header
:contains ["X-Delivered-to"] ["ver...@mydomain.com"]) {
vacation :addresses [ "ver...@mydomain.com" ] :days 1 "Sorry, you
are sending messages to the wrong email id. Please send to
ver...@differentdomain.com.";   }

what i need to do is generate an AUTO-REPLY (directly from the server)
to certain domains or full email id's which are sent to
""ver...@mydomain.com"" with a message "Sorry, you are sending
messages to the wrong email id. Please send to "ver...@differentdomain.com."

it's only the chosen full email id's or domain who will get this
AUTO-REPLY and not all the emails who send messages to

by the above code, what happens is only if "ver...@mydomain.com" is
addressed to "TO" field the auto reply gets activated and if it is
addressed to the "BCC" or "CC" field it does not.

so "X-Delivered-to" is the same as "To".

This I am trying to do on the server itself, but is there a way that i
can do this on TB using immediate send function of something like

Look forward to your assistance.


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